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My name is Gonz. Im a 23 year-old university student and an avid World of Warcraft player. I started this blog in order to catalog the information I acquire throughout my adventures in Azeroth. I am also a professional web designer working for WebSoul Designs. If you would like to contact me, please feel free to contact me or view my web profile, please visit websouldesigns.com

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Feral Cat DPS Spec (PvE)

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This is pretty straight forward, so I'll get right into it.

(Click on image to view wowhead talent tree)

Point Layout (note: i only list whats beneficial to cat form)
Balance: 0 points

56 points
-(5/5) Ferocity: Reduces Claw, Rake, Mangle, and Swipe Abilities by 5 points.
-(2/2) Savage Fury: Increases damage done by Claw, Rake, and Mangle by 20%.
-(3/3) Feral Instincts: Increases damage done by Swipe, and increases stealth.
- (2/2) Feral Swiftness: Increases cat movement speed by 30% and dodge by 3%.
- (3/3) Sharpened Claws: Increased critical strike chance by 6%.
- (2/2) Shredding Attacks: Reduces the energy cost of shred by 18.
- (3/3) Predatory Strikes: Increases melee attack power by150% and an extra 20% from your weapon.
- (2/2) Primal Fury: critical strikes have a 100% chance to award an extra combo point.
- (2/2) Primal Precision: Increases expertise by 10 and you are refunded 80% of the energy points of a finishing move if it does not land.
- (1/1) Feral Charge: Ability. causes you to leap behind a target and daze them. (meow!)
- (5/5) Heart of the Wild: Attack power increased by 10%.
- (3/3) Survival of the Fittest: Increases all attributes by 6%.
- (1/1) Leader of the Pack: Passive Ability. Increases critical chance of all party and raid members within 45 yards by 5%.
- (2/2) Improved Leader of the Pack: Players under the effect of Leader of the Pack heal themselves for 4% of their total health every time they crit.
- (3/3) Predatory Instincts: Increases melee damage by 10%.
- (3/3) Infected Wounds: Shred and Mangle cause an infected wound that slows movement speed by 50% and attack speed by 20%.
- (3/3) King of the Jungle: Tiger's Fury restores 60 Energy.
- (1/1) Mangle: Ability. causes target to gain additional damage from bleeding effects.
- (3/3) Improved Mangle: Reduces the energy cost of mangle by 6.
- (5/5) Rend and Tear: Increases damage done by shred on bleeding targets by 20% and Increases damage done by Ferocious Bite on bleeding targets by 25%.
- (1/1) Primal Gore: Rip bleed effects can now crit.
- (1/1) Berserk: Ability. Reduces all your energy costs by 50% for 15 seconds.

Restoration: 15 points.
- (2/2) Improved Mark of the Wild: Increases all your attributes by 2%.
- (3/5) Furor: Keep up to 60% of your energy when you shapeshift into cat form.
- (5/5) Naturalist: Increase melee damage by 10%.
- (3/3) Natural Shapeshifter: Reduces mana cost of shapeshifting spells by 30%.
- (2/2) Master Shapeshifter: Increases critical strike chance by 4%.

Ability Rotation:
Keep Savage Roar up at all times.
Use Tiger's Fury every time it's available.
Keep Faerie Fire up at all times.
Keep Mangle debuff up at all times unless there is a bear or arms warrior in your group.
Keep Rake debuff up at all times.
Keep 5-point rip up at all times.
Use Shred to build combo points.

Mangle -> Savage Roar -> Rake -> Tiger's Fury (Berserk every 18 seconds after TF) -> Shred (5 points) -> Rip (Repeat this)

Keep Savage Roar up at all times.
Spam Swipe.

Glyph of Shred: Each time you shred, the duration of rip is extended, up to a maximum of 6 seconds.
Glyph of Savage Roar: Savage Roar grants an additional 3% damage increase.
Glyph of Berserk: Increases the duration of Berserk by 5 seconds.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Feral Druid Combo (Tank Preference)

Want to link this post in-game? Copy and Paste this tinyurl: http://tinyurl.com/y9e86xw

When I first decided I would play a druid, I felt that it would be most fun and efficient to split my two feral specs (see here for information about dual specilization) between feral(tank) and feral(dps). While re-arranging certain points in the feral line would prove to maximize both my cat and bear forms in respective situations, I quickly found how boring it was to switch between two similar setups. So I decided "Hey, i'm going to go Balance as my second spec!" I came up with a feral spec that does not diminish in any way my tanking abilities but still allows me to dps as a cat in both solo and heroic dungeons. (You do not want to, under any circumstances, raid as a dps with this spec.)

Click on the image to view spec in wowhead.
Feral Druid Combo

So, if you want diversity in your druid, to be able to tank and heal/caster dps, This build will definitely allow you to tank while still allowing yourself the comfort of running around as a kitty.

~ Batcher "I'd rather be hibernating" the Bear
Hello Intrepid Druids, my name is Batcher. I play a Night Elf Druid on Eldre'Thalas Server (Alliance). I started this blog in order to catalog the information I acquire and hopefully can be useful to you all.

Batcher "I'd rather be hibernating" the Bear.